More Newt Scamander missing moments

I’m at it again! How I love exploring these missing moments from stories. These two are even mentioned in the movie. expelled_col

Expelled. Watercolour, coloured pencil, and gouache on Etival grain fin paper, 18×28 cm.

The next is one that appeared in my head (and, no doubt, many viewers’) when Newt mentioned to Jacob that he’d worked with dragons – Ukrainian Ironbellies – on the Eastern front during the First World War. So quite naturally, I’ve spent the last few days researching possible locations he might have been stationed, the nature of wizarding involvement in the war, and Russian uniforms before the Revolution.


“All quiet on the Eastern front”
Watercolour and coloured pencil on Etival grain fin paper, 24×16 cm.

… .really, mum. They’re just horribly misunderstood creatures, Ironbellies.  Pyotr, the Chief Warlock of the Beast Division here in Tarnopol, is a staunch supporter of the Tsar and has named all the dragons after members of the Muggle royal family.  Nikolai is positively sweet. Anastasia can be a handful, though,  but nothing we can’t handle.

Thanks for the woollen socks you sent, and especially for the Hot Air Charm you’ve put on them.

Please give my love to Theseus when you write to him. And make sure Nipper eats properly. He always moults so badly while I’m away. They say we’ll be home by Christmas, so I’ll be seeing you soon.

Your loving son,


“It – it says here you can only bring one pet?”

Little Newt gets his Hogwarts letter.

One of my patrons suggested that, up to 1908, that passage was actually missing from the official Hogwarts letter, and was only introduced in 1909, after a student had tried to bring two Puffskeins, a Kneazle, and a baby Hippogriff (“He can sleep under my bed; I’ve got him house-trained, he’s no trouble!”) onlyonepet_col

Watercolour, coloured pencil, gouache on Etival grain fin paper, 18×28 cm. Newt kindly modelled by my son (with a pillow over his shoulder – Loki wouldn’t stay put long enough).

“Is that — a Jobberknoll?!”

All right, it’s been a year since the last major obsession, so it’s time for the next, right?

Unlike Kylo Ren, Newt Scamander at least is unequivocally adorable. He’s the dork in all of us. He’s the one that sets Hufflepuff in its best light. He’s the one that team mates feared more than the opposing team, because while I’m sure he was a Chaser with excellent hunter’s instincts, he’d be totally useless if anything with fur or feathers appeared near the Quidditch pitch.


“Is that — a Jobberknoll?!”
Watercolour and coloured pencil on Etival grain fin paper, A4 size.

Jobberknoll is based on a robin. Newt was kindly modelled by my son. <3

I have at least three more ideas sparked by half-sentences in the movie. Merlin help me.

Newt Scamander


Newt Scamander. Watercolour, gouache and coloured pencil on Etival fine-grain paper, A4 size.

Prints here!

I’m finally getting the hang of doing detail without overrendering things. This comes as close to the style I want to work in as I have ever come in my life, I think. On to 2017!

Earth and Sea and Sky

This piece really kicked my behind, but I’m finally happy with it. Another piece done in Rebecca’s SmArt School class.


Watercolour and gouache on Clairefontaine Nuageux paper, 25×35 cm.

Prints here!

Another scene from the life of Taliesin.
The sorceress Ceridwen had a beautiful daughter and a hideous son, whom she wanted to give the power of the Awen – foresight and inspiration – through a magic brew. And old man and a young boy, Gwion Bach. tended the fire under the cauldron in her castle under a lake. When Gwion added too much wood, the cauldron boiled over and three drops of potion fell on his thumb before the cauldron burst. He sucked off the potion and in that instant, the power of the Awen filled him.
Two of the animal scenes above him depict his flight from the vengeful Ceridwen: the hare pursued by a hound, and the wren fleeing from the falcon.