Eagles at War

A watercolour illustration I did for author Ben Kane and his upcoming book “Eagles at War”, about the battle of Teutoburg Forest. I met Ben while we were both working on our respective Hannibal novels, and I really enjoyed his novels – and we decided we needed to do something together. Next, I’m doing a larger painting for him, of the battle itself.


Watercolour and Ecoline on Canson Vidalon cold-pressed paper, 20×30 cm.

Some wip shots:

Finally, I’m having a Spring Sale in my Etsy shop! Every order of 30€ and above is -15%. Just enter SPRING15 at checkout. Take a look!

The Elvenking

I’ve decided to do a series of smaller-scale paintings to sell on Etsy, and this is the first. Thranduil of Mirkwood, or, as The Hobbit calls him, The Elvenking.


Watercolour, 21×30 cm.

O̶r̶i̶g̶i̶n̶a̶l̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶s̶a̶l̶e̶ SOLD! 

Prints available here!


Any good ideas for other characters to paint? I’d really love to do some more flowers… there’s still Blodeuwedd, but other “flowery” characters might be an idea too. Or anything else. Ideas?